I’ve been toying with the idea of moving from a paywalled / premium subscription model, to a value-for-value model. This is the idea that if I’ve legitimately provided you with value from reading my newsletter, then you can voluntarily compensate me monetarily proportionately to the benefit I’ve provided you.
I’d like to give you a bit of context into why I am making this change and why I am making it now.
Why the Change?
I’m making this change for three main reasons.
For my own safety & security
To move to a model that I believe will be the way of the future
To reach more people
Safety & Security
Contained within a number of my past newsletters is information about my personal finances. Due to the current geopolitical and socio-economic circumstances surrounding cryptocurrencies, I no longer feel like it is a good idea for me to be broadcasting certain details about my money.
As such, I will be discontinuing my Monthly Portfolio Updates series effective immediately. I will no longer be talking about how I store cryptocurrency, where I store it, and the amounts being stored.
When writing about products and services that I use, I will be leaving amounts out of the picture entirely.
Thank you for understanding.
Value for Value
I still very much enjoy writing a newsletter to hundreds of people every week. Many of you reach out to me with questions, requests, and problems that I am very happy to help you work through.
Even if one of you messages me each week, or each letter, I know that the time spent writing it was time well spent. For me, this letter is about building a reciprocal relationship with a large group of people in the pursuit of value.
In a nutshell, this whole newsletter has been about value. Not bitcoin, not crypto, not politics. Value. Now more than ever, I find it important to ask the questions “what is value”, and “what is valuable”. I have an inkling that human connection, knowledge, and time are amongst the most valuable things. Beyond that, money is valuable as well.
The value for value model is not well established in today’s day and age. But that makes little difference to me. Bitcoin wasn’t well established in 2015 when I first bought it, and its still not well established in 2022.
Whether or not something is part of the mainstream has very little impact on my decision to use it. I use the things that provide me with value. I consume the media that I find useful. Not only do I not mind paying for either, but it brings me an iota of joy to do so, especially when it is not expected.
Paying for something is tantamount to saying “Thank You”. It is also an excellent way of determining if what you are doing is valuable to others. If it is, they will pay you.
At then end of the day, I do not want to be charging for something that people don’t find valuable. Instead I want to give them the freedom and choice to pay me. That is why I’ll be cancelling the premium subscription and giving a refund.
What Will Change
I will continue to write a newsletter at least once per week. For my own benefit, writing a newsletter has been therapeutic, but I deeply enjoy how much this newsletter has allowed me to connect with you.
With that being said, a few things will change moving forward.
No more private newsletter: I will no longer be publishing “locked” content. Everything will be free.
Redaction of Content: I’ve already deleted and/or redacted past content that I have deemed to pose a risk to my safety.
No More Portfolio Updates: I will no longer be providing an update and view into my holdings. I will continue discussing strategy and the apps/services I use, but I will not be including % or $ figures pertaining to my portfolio.
No more discussion of security: If I do talk about security, it will be in the context of “should” and “ideally” rather than “this is what I am doing”.
Getting a Refund
I am going to cancel the premium newsletter. There are two scenarios based on which kind of subscriber you are.
Monthly: You will no longer be charged on a monthly basis for access to my premium letter.
Yearly: I’m honestly not sure how your refund will work. Reach out to me if you are not given a refund automatically.
Thank you to everyone who has been with me for the last 16 months of writing. I aim to continue providing you with value. I believe this new model is more representative of my values and beliefs and that it will ultimately lead me to be a better provider of news, opinion, and actionable information.